Press Pause...

Be still...

& refill...

In a day and age where everyone is busy; where we frantically pass one another by, rarely stopping to engage in & listen to more than a
‘how are you going?’,
before we go on our way,
& Pause Counselling & Therapy aims to create a space where you can push pause on emails, facebook, instagram, & snapchat, the demands of study or work, the expectations of friends & family, or the ache and weight of a long carried load, & be listened to, heard, and valued as an individual. Where you can be still and refill emotionally, mentally, physically, & spiritually. Pausing, gives you space to breathe. Time to rest, reflect and reassess. Time to step back, think, let things go, & recalibrate in order to for you to thrive, not just ‘survive’.
Press pause.
Gain greater insight and understanding; a fresh new perspective for your journey. Establish goals & develop plans. Come to a place of discovering passion, purpose, & balance in your life.